Kanzeon Zen Center
Kanzeon Zen Center is a Zen Buddhist temple located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It is an affiliate of the White Plum Asangha, a association of Zen centers stemming from the tradition of Taizan Maezumi. Currently, the Abbot of Kanzeon Zen Center is Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi, and the Vice-Abbot is Dennis Doen Silberberg.
More then 150 people attend zazen and a Dharma talk each Sunday. Morning zazen can be attened by as many as 35-50 students. There are between 12-15 residents typically living and practicing daily here at the Salt Lake City Center.
1274 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84102 U.S.A.
Phone: 1-801-328-8414
Fax: 1-801-532-5867
Mail: office@kzci.org